Microlene - Taste the Savings

While other water filter systems require you to change the filter as often as every 6 months, Davey Microlenecan give you sparkling, great tasting water for up to 3 years – so you can save big time on your cost of ownership, plus not having the hassle of frequently buying and replacing your filter.
In fact compared to a competitive unit of the same initial cost ($310) that requires a $30 filter every 3 months you will save approximately $107 in filters every 3 years.
This long filter life (up to 3 years on town water and up to 2 years on tank water) is due to a purification media called KDF that is unique to Microlene. KDF reduces the load on the activated carbon in the Microlene to give this long life but also removes pollutants and heavy metals and odours.
Visit to a Davey Dealer and taste the difference
Above all once you have tasted the water from Microlene you won’t ever go back to the taste of chlorine or rust in your tap water or odours from your tank water. Over 100 of our dealers have our Microlene taste test unit installed. Give them a call and come in to taste the difference for yourself.
Here is a list of some of the contaminants that Microlene reduces or completely removes:
Cysts such as giardia and cryptosporidium
How much can Microlene save you on tap water?
Let’s say you buy 5 x 500ml of bottled water per week at a cost of $3.00 ea
That’s $6.00 per litre and 130 litres of water per year at a total cost of $780.
At around $310 Microlene provides up to 30,000 litres of great tasting water for up to 3 years, that’s only $103 per year – a saving in this example of $677 per year or $2030 over 3 years. As the bench top model needs to be hard plumbed, installation is an additional factor, but still offers significant savings.
Renting or on holiday? The Davey Microlene top of bench unit that takes 30 seconds to fit.
This simply clips onto the bottom of your normal kitchen tap so there are no fitting costs. Small and portable, the bench top Microlene is also great for travelling, caravan parks etc. where the taste of water can be downright ordinary.
While Microlene filters down to 1 micron that removes giardia and cryptosporidium you do need to ensure the water is microbiologically safe. Davey offer Acquasafe or our Steriflo UV systems for water disinfection.